
The Lost Kids: Seeking Samarkand

Created by Felipe Cagno

Welcome to The Lost Kids & Timberwolf Entertainment online store! Please scroll down for all our titles, collectibles and extras including digital editions of every comic book and sold out editions like both 321: Fast Comics volumes. The Lost Kids: Seeking Samarkand is a love letter to Goonies, the 80s cartoon Dungeons & Dragons and my all-time favorite game series Final Fantasy! When a group of five teenagers is mysteriously transported to a world filled with magic and airships their only clue to return home is to find a mythical lost city - the city of Samarkand.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

REMINDER - BackerKit surveys locking down TODAY! No rewards for incomplete surveys! Plus COVER REVEALS \o/
over 4 years ago – Mon, Aug 05, 2019 at 08:33:59 PM

Hello everyone!

Just a quick production update before we get into the VERY IMPORTANT reminder about BackerKit. I've started working on the production files that will be sent out to printers in the next few days meaning digital rewards won't be far behind.

I expect to start sending digital files mid to late next week (around Aug. 15th, no later than the 21st for sure) and these will be sent out via BackerKit.

REMINDER: BackerKit surveys locking down TODAY!

This is a reminder for the 69 backers that have to yet fill out their BackerKit surveys as I will be locking them down TODAY at 11:59pm PST. 

**** If you don't fill out your Surveys you won't get your rewards - including your name in the "Thank You" section of the book!! ****

This is also the LAST CHANCE to update any add-ons or to upgrade to the Kickstarter Exclusive HARDCOVER for backers that have already completed their surveys. 

I will get the final count for the hardcovers off BackerKit so once this is locked, it is locked for good, the Hardcover will not be available anywhere else ever again!

You can still add stuff to your pre-orders like The Few and Cursed books, digital copies of 321: Fast Comics or the out-of-print Making Of and Concept Studies "The Art of The Lost Kids".

Just hit the link below and enter the e-mail address you used on Kickstarter to have access again to your survey:

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E-mail me immediately at [email protected] if you weren't able to retrieve your survey so I can forward your case to my project manager at BackerKit. Sometimes the survey invites don't go through and we need to fix that manually. It takes less than 5 minutes...

BackerKit Surveys are the only way I'll be able to get your shipping addresses, any add-ons or current e-mail addresses to send the digital rewards to. Hopefully most of you, if not all, will get this and complete your surveys in time.

As I've mentioned above, we are going to print next week and Digital Rewards will be sent shortly afterwards. I can't stress this enough: no surveys, no digital rewards, no physical rewards, nothing, folks!

Thank you again, I really mean it, and I couldn't be more excited moving forward with this new book. I sincerely hope I can deliver something awesome up to the standard you guys deserve. It's been a  fantastic ride :D

As always if you've got any questions please feel free to either reply this message or e-mail me at [email protected].

All the best!

BackerKit Surveys have been sent and will be locked down on August 5th!
almost 5 years ago – Fri, Jul 19, 2019 at 02:35:02 AM

There you go, folks!

BackerKit surveys have been sent to your Kickstarter registered e-mails and remember, they are MANDATORY. YOU MUST COMPLETE THE BACKERKIT SURVEY TO RECEIVE YOUR REWARDS!


If you haven't received your BackerKit invite please follow these steps:

Keep an eye out on your Spam Folder or Junk Mail. E-mails will come either directly from myself (Felipe Cagno) or BackerKit.

If  you didn't spot them manually try using the "Search" feature from your e-mail account and look for either my name or BackerKit.

If  none of the above hasn't worked then click the link below, hit the "Lost your Survey?" and input your Kickstarter registered e-mail:

Please note this will be the LAST CHANCE to upgrade to the Kickstarter Hardcover Edition by choosing the very first item in the Add-Ons section (the item with the big UPGRADE in yellow) and to add the out-of-print Art of The Lost Kids to your pledge as well.

The Art of the Lost Kids is a hardcover book published back in 2010 through DeviantArt that collected pin-ups, concepts and character studies.

It features gorgeous art by Tony Holmsten, the Vazquez Brothers, Nei Ruffino & more! 

Throughtout this update you will see some sneak peeks and previews for it and a quick reminder that I have no plans on re-printing this book so when it's gone, it's gone!


  • Hardcover Premium format
  • Glossy art stock paper
  • 80 full colored pages
  • Large format - 10.5in x 8.25in

Shipping Problems, Missing rewards or any other issues

Glitches might happen. Nothing has been brought up to my attention yet but if  you have any issues filling out your surveys or adding items to your  pledge please contact me immediately either by replying this message or e-mailing me at [email protected]

I'm here to help and make this experience as smooth as possible.

How long will the BackerKit surveys be online?

I will lock down surveys on August 5th. After that time, backers will not be able to switch pledges and take advantage of any unlocked stretch goals having to purchase any extra  items separately.

Can I go back and add stuff if I change my mind? When will my credit card be charged?

Yes, you can go back to your BackerKit Surveys to change any details or add anything to your pledge until the lock date. Just visit the link below and retrieve the  survey:

Your credit cards or any other payment methods won't be charged until August 5th when the Surveys will be locked down. Until then feel free to make any changes or add-ons as needed.

I'm trying to cover any and all big questions in this one long update but obviously if there is still anything confusing do not hesitate to contact me. I might not answer right away but I usually get back to  everyone within 24 hours.

Do I need to sign-up for BackerKit?

You don’t need to create a BackerKit account to fill out the survey. When you receive the email just click the survey link to respond. Answer the  questions about your reward preferences, provide shipping information, and purchase add-on items if you like.

What about the add-ons I already purchased through Kickstarter during the campaign?

That's why BackerKit is so important. It sees you over-pledged and gives you extra credit to be used towards any add-ons. Just pick whatever you like from the menu on the third  screen and use the extra credit.

Don't worry if you go over whatever credit you have, you will be able to pay any leftover balance at the end of the process. This is also the last opportunity to add anything extra to your pledge. 

And finally here's the reveal of the new art for the regular edition by Gustavo Borges & Ivanna Matilla!!
And finally here's the reveal of the new art for the regular edition by Gustavo Borges & Ivanna Matilla!!

Thank you so much for an awesome Kickstarter and for your patience as we get this latest release out the door. Once the surveys have been completed I should take about a week or two to prep all the files and send them off to the printer.

If there aren't any problems I should be able to fulfill everything in October \o/

All the best!


BackerKit Surveys are ready and under review!
almost 5 years ago – Wed, Jul 17, 2019 at 02:12:15 AM

I spent all day finishing up the Pledge Manager Surveys and they are 100% complete!

Hello everyone!

The Surveys are good to go pending only a final review and clearance by the good folks at

Shipping was a huge concern of mine as it is always a complicated factor in fulfillment your rewards. I hope I've set everything up right in a way that you are all free to add collectibles and other items to your pledges without the system automatically overcharging you.

With that said, once Surveys have been sent if you spot a mistake or if you think shipping is way too expensive please contact me directly so I can look into it. Sometimes it's a pretty easy fix by discounting whatever extra charges added automatically by the system.

My next Update will be confirming Surveys are on their way and will also include a FAQ how to fill them out, how add-ons work and more.

Until then thanks so much for sticking with the Lost Kids!



ATTENTION - BackerKit Surveys NOT sent just yet! Coming up next Tuesday (July 16th).
almost 5 years ago – Fri, Jul 12, 2019 at 10:50:49 PM

Hello my Lost backers,

Last week I announced I'd be sending out the BackerKit Surveys to start the long fulfillment process but unfortunately that did not happen. If you are among those waiting for the surveys and wondering if it might had got lost in your Spam or Junk folder do not worry, they are still coming.


I apologize for the inconvenience but the week really got away from me as I got buried under a lot of work after the Fourth of July weekend. To make matters worst BackerKit has been really iffy all week long making it really hard to upload images for some reason.

The Surveys are almost ready to go out but I'm going away this weekend until Monday evening and I thought it best to send them on Tuesday then to rush things and make mistakes which would severely impact your rewards.

Once the surveys have been e-mailed by BackerKit I will send out a new update confirming it so if something happens along the way just wait to hear from me, alright?

Thank you so much for your patience and support!



Mandatory BackerKit Surveys coming up next week! Plus last SIX HOURS on The Few and Cursed latest KS!
almost 5 years ago – Wed, Jul 03, 2019 at 12:49:38 AM


Alright, my Lost friends, just a quick heads-up before going into the nuts and bolts of your BackerKit Surveys for the LK#2 fulfillment.

This is the LAST CHANCE to grab The Few and Cursed #6 (or the whole series) with a crazy amount of extras unlocked through more than 20 Stretch Goals! This has been by far the most successful Kickstarter I've ever had with over 1.500 backers and it gave me a chance to produce some really cool collectibles.

The Kickstarter ends TONIGHT at 11pm EST!


Right after the long holiday weekend I will be sending out the BackerKit surveys officially marking the beginning of the fulfillment of The Lost Kids: Seeking Samarkand Vol. 2 Kickstarter \o/

I can't stress this enough: make sure you are getting e-mails from BackerKit and add them to your Contacts list. You’ll receive an email with a special link to your BackerKit survey next week and filling them out is not optional. If you do not complete your survey you will not get your rewards, folks.

It’s  important to respond to your survey as quickly as possible since I'll  need this information to fulfill your rewards - this impacts the item count to manufacture every and all rewards and that's why these are going out already.

The books and other rewards will go to print by the end of July or early August at the latest.

Surveys will be sent to the e-mail account you registered with Kickstarter and they may end up in your Spam or Junk folder. More on this in a follow-up update when I confirm surveys have been sent.

How long will BackerKit surveys be online?

I will lock down surveys on July 31st. After that time, backers will not be able to add anything on to their  pledges or fix any payment issues occurred during the Kickstarter campaign.

This also marks the LAST CHANCE to grab the Kickstarter HARDCOVER Exclusive Editionthat will be printed on demand, so be sure to get your survey in before that date!

Also, credit cards are not charged immediately when you finish up your survey and have added anything extra to your pledge. I just need a count confirmation so I can have the printer get all the quantities correctly - especially the PRINT ON DEMAND Kickstarter exclusive hardcover edition.

Do I need to sign-up for BackerKit?

You don’t need to create a BackerKit account to fill out the survey. When you receive the email just click the survey link to respond. Answer the questions about your reward preferences, provide shipping  information, and purchase add-on items if you like.

What happens if I need to update my Shipping Address after July 31st?

If  you need to review your shipping information you can always return to your survey by clicking the link in your survey email or requesting your survey link under "Lost your survey?" on our BackerKit project page once that's up and running.

You will be able to update your shipping  address until mid to late October when I plan on starting shipping out the rewards.

Please note: If you used your Facebook credentials to log in to your Kickstarter  account, the BackerKit survey is sent to the email address you use for your Facebook account.

What about the add-ons I already purchased through Kickstarter during the campaign?

That's why BackerKit is so important. It sees you over-pledged and gives you extra credit to be used towards any add-ons. Just pick whatever you like from the menu on the third screen and use the extra credit. 

Don't worry if you go over whatever credit you have, you will be able to pay any leftover balance at the end of the process.This is also the opportunity to add anything extra to your pledge.

Any questions about BackerKit, the process, add-ons, anything really, please do not hesitate to e-mail me at [email protected]

That's it for now, my friends. I will be in touch again as soon as surveys have been sent. As always if you've got any questions or comments just reply this message or hit me up on Facebook (

Have a terrific weekend and thanks so much!