
The Lost Kids: Seeking Samarkand

Created by Felipe Cagno

Welcome to The Lost Kids & Timberwolf Entertainment online store! Please scroll down for all our titles, collectibles and extras including digital editions of every comic book and sold out editions like both 321: Fast Comics volumes. The Lost Kids: Seeking Samarkand is a love letter to Goonies, the 80s cartoon Dungeons & Dragons and my all-time favorite game series Final Fantasy! When a group of five teenagers is mysteriously transported to a world filled with magic and airships their only clue to return home is to find a mythical lost city - the city of Samarkand.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

The Few and Cursed Board Game and the Comics are both over 1.000 backers, come join us! Plus BackerKit Survey news!!!
almost 5 years ago – Wed, Jun 19, 2019 at 10:22:21 PM

Anybody out there is a board gamer or board game enthusiast?

I can't even begin to describe the feeling of having a board game based on one of my comics out there in the world, it's just too awesome! 

Some of you might know this already but for those that don't yet indie game publisher Rock Manor Games has developed a board game based on The Few and Cursed - my supernatural western series featuring the Redhead.

And I got to play it this past weekend while attending Origins Game Fair and what was so impressive about the game is that Mike Gnade, the designer, didn't just create a generic game and then dressed up as The Few and Cursed

No, sir.

He read the comics and translated the universe, the characters, the experience of living in that western post-apocalyptic scenario into an immersive and accessible board game. It's super easy to learn how to play while offering a number of strategies within the game. I might be biased obviously but it's easily one of the most fun games I played in a long while!!

The board game is over 100% funded and is knocking Stretch Goals left and right. With a little bit over a week left on Kickstarter I do ask you folks to come check it out, you won't regret it \o/



Well, those are available as well right here on Kickstarter too, all six issues that make up the full Crows of Mana'Olana story and since the campaign has already found over 1.000 backers with a little less than two weeks left there are a lot of Stretch Goals unlocked and plenty of freebies going out with every copy of the comic in print.

Every pledge towards a print copy will come loaded with extra comics, postcards, collectible cards, prints and much more, oh so much more!


Alright, time to shift gears back to the Lost Kids: Seeking Samarkand. Much like previous Kickstarters I will be using BackerKit again as the pledge manager to help me fulfill your rewards.

In about two to three weeks you'll get an e-mail with your own BackerKit Survey link where you'll be able to complete your shipping address (and update it right up until it's time to ship the goods), add new items to your pledge and download any and all digital rewards.

It's also the best way for me to make sure everyone gets exactly what they pledged for.

Please make sure to fill out your BackerKit Surveys! I can't stress this enough, if you don't complete your surveys you won't get your rewards.

Pin-Up final inks before colors by Geraldo Borges!
Pin-Up final inks before colors by Geraldo Borges!

As I'm working with the artist for the last pieces I really think we will be able to go to print by the end of July for a tentative shipping date of late October / early November.

So there you go, my good Lost Kids backers, there is a lot going on and I appreciate your support and understanding more than ever at this stage.

Until next time!



Progress update plus sneak peek at some new Lost Kids art!
almost 5 years ago – Wed, Jun 05, 2019 at 08:42:11 AM

Hiya Lost backers!

First and foremost I'm thrilled to announce The Few and Cursed #6 - our first season finale - is now LIVE on Kickstarter and 100% funded in one hour!

We're now working towards our third Stretch Goal already so you better believe every package will come loaded with awesome content! I know many of you are Redhead fans already but for those that never heard of this series, come check it out.

It's the perfect book for any Western, Supernatural or Adventure fans and you finally get the chance to pledge towards the full series in one swing =)

Back to the LOST KIDS now \o/

Alright, so we've had a lot of progress over the last few weeks. The above pic is a pixel screenshot by DEREK SOUZA that will be featured on the back of the SNES game box #2. There's going to be three of these and Derek is almost done with all of them.

CLONERH also finished his artwork for the Kate Beaux / Princess Evelet bookmark and it turned out simply amazing. He painted both characters side by side even though each one of them will be printed in a different side of the bookmark.

We've also had some pretty good progress on the artworks for the collectible cards. There are two of them but I will be honest when I say I really want to have a whole set in the future. The artwork on the left is by TOU VUE while the one on the right was done by GILBERTO MARTIMIAMO JR., both artists that have worked for Upper Deck in the past so they really know their cards.

Last but not least the lettering is complete and I will start working on the book design now. I'm still waiting for some pin-up artworks to come in but looks like we're right on track so far. I just hope we don't have issues with the printer and factory in Asia. Fingers crossed!!

I hope you have enjoyed these previews and once again thanks so much for making the Lost Kids such a fun project to work with. It's been a blast collaborating with these artists and I wouldn't be able to do so without your pledges and support.

Any questions or comments I'm always available and please go check out The Few and Cursed as well, I guarantee you will love that comic book series as well!




Final numbers in, Indiegogo & SNES game art preview!
almost 5 years ago – Wed, May 15, 2019 at 08:41:54 AM


Hiya Lost backers!

The final Kickstarter numbers are in now that most of the pledges have been collected. I say most because every campaign ends up with a few errored pledges here and there, that's pretty standard, it happens, but it does impact Stretch Goals, planning and finances.

For The Lost Kids Volume 2 we had a total of $526 worth of dropped pledges. I'm quite happy that out of 895 people we only lost ten brave souls in the end. I usually calculate about 2% so we definitely did good on that front as well.

This is not about pointing fingers or judging any backer that had their pledge dropped, I merely just want to paint a realistic scenario moving forward because I still want to unlock that Collectible Coin at $40K!!!


How are we reaching $40K, Felipe?

Glad you asked! We've been online on Indiegogo for about a week now with a InDemand campaign which is a second chance for people that missed out on the Kickstarter. While the reward tiers are limited (the Hardcover was truly a Kickstarter exclusive) we're still working towards that goal.

I'm still planning on how to effectively spread the word about the Lost Kids Indiegogo - I think I've pestered past backers enough about the Lost Kids lol - and that's why your help might not be extremely important but actually key.

Please post the following link on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and any and all social networks out there. Share it with a fellow comic book reader, tell family and friends about the Lost Kids. We've come so close I feel all we need is that one last step!

In fact we have never been closer as some people have already contributed to the Indiegogo:


If we manage to go over $40K every single backer on both platforms will have the Princess Evelet commemorative coin added to their packages sent in the mail!

We're less than $1,000 away, I'm very confident we can do this together. We got this far already, didn't we?

Production Update

Deyvison Manes has been working on the lettering already and I expect to be finished with the book design in a month. It's not an easy book to print though - especially the hardcovers - but so far we're right on track without any delays.


We do have a lot of new stuff to produce which is both exciting and terrifying at the same time. It's awesome to see new Lost Kids art popping up with top quality artists but that's also usually where delays occur.

I've had some exciting previews shared with me over the past few days and I hope you like them!

SNES game box art by Danusko Campos!
SNES game box art by Danusko Campos!


Collectible Card art preview (base colors only) by Gilberto Martimiamo Jr.!
Collectible Card art preview (base colors only) by Gilberto Martimiamo Jr.!


Project(s) Spotlight

Metal Militia #3


Kickstarter Link:

Hoang is a terrific artist having worked for Image Comics and other publisher and this is a personal project he really wanted to tackle on his own. He's on the last few days on his Kickstarter to fund issue 3 - the final one of the series - and well over 90% funded.

If you are into full on action series beautifully illustrated go check this one out, it's definitely worth the visit :D

From his own page: "I'm back with the final installment of Metal Militia. This is a double size finally, that's going to wrap everything up. For those that recently join us, I originally created the comic book  with my brother way back in the early '90s. It was a creator-owned  project that holds a special place in my heart."

I will continue to update all of you on the progress of the Lost Kids and thank you so much for your immense support. I truly hope to honor it with the best products possible, folks!

If you have any critiques or comments do not hesitate to either reply this message directly or shoot me an email at [email protected]. I try to be as responsive as possible and usually will get back to you within an hour or two.

You can also add me on Instagram or Facebook:

I update them pretty constantly on many of the things I'm currently working on.



P.S.: You might like to know that a The Few and Cursed Board Game is launching on Kickstarter in June courtesy of Rock Manor Games! I could not be more thrilled about a game based on one of my comics so I hope you'll keep it mind and come check it out :D

about 5 years ago – Wed, May 01, 2019 at 09:47:51 PM


Wow... just wow... I'm writing this looking for words to express how I'm feeling right now. The Lost Kids has always been a special project but you made it into something extraordinary and quite surprising.



From the bottom of my heart thank you for embarking on this journey and allowing me to continue working on something I love so much.



We might have not reached $40K but damn it if we didn't get close, am I right? 

Having done a couple of coins already I know exactly how much they cost and unfortunately we're coming up short. But... I always had an ace up my sleeve because it's better to be safe than sorry.



That's an extension campaign designed to allow people that missed out on Kickstarter a second chance to get the regular softcover edition books only. Backers on Indiegogo though continue to unlock the same Stretch Goals and their packages come with the same perks.

It's my first time using this feature so I'm pretty curious how the turnout is going to be. I did want to make sure we had a shot at unlocking that collectible coin.

You guys pledged, upgraded those pledges, really went above and  beyond to unlock so much cool stuff the least I can do is do everything in my power to honor that support. I can never thank you enough for  the support and sheer amount of love for The Lost Kids: Seeking Samarkand .

Here's my most sincere and heartfelt THANKS to all of you and I will do my best to honor your faith giving my best.

I will be regularly updating you guys as we move along production and  get closer to our delivery date but feel free to shoot me an e-mail at  [email protected] or follow me on the following social networks:

The Lost Kids: Seeking Samarkand on Facebook
Felipe Cagno on Facebook
Felipe Cagno on Instagram

You can also sign-up clicking right here for our newsletter so you don't miss any info on future releases outside The Lost Kids and the Kickstarter updates.

I love hearing from you all, "my door is always open" and once again thank you so much for your support and pledge.


Last 30+ HOURS on Kickstarter! Time to hit it big or go home \o/
about 5 years ago – Sat, Apr 27, 2019 at 06:40:25 PM


Hola Lost backers!

Right off the bat let me THANK each and every one of you!! As we get closer to the end of the second Lost Kids Kickstarter it's hard for me not to get a little bit emotional. 

I've said multiple times that this is a project very dear to me and I'm thrilled to see we're getting it published the way I always envisioned and wished for along with a number of exciting collectibles.



We are down to the very last two Stretch Goals. Both tremendously exciting for everyone but I really wanted to touch on that $40K SG.

I've always wanted to mint a real commemorative coin with Princess Evelet's portrait on it. We tried on the first Kickstarter and it didn't happen but we've never been this close. I can feel it within our grasp--



Fabiano Neves and I have done two coins already for The Few and Cursed and they turned out amazing. In fact, we will be doing this coin together as well. 

Fabiano will do the art work, Firescale will work on the 3D model and Jon will be minting it. You can check out our latest TFAC coin below:


You can also check out the 3D rendering by hitting this link:

There's a lot we can do in these final hours on Kickstarter but I need your help. There are almost 800 of us on this Kickstarter. There's plenty of room for upgrades, for Facebook posts and likes, for going that extra mile.



Please consider upping your pledges for the print edition. Much like you guys I also get digital issues until the trade paperback comes along but in this case THESE ARE THE COLLECTED TPB. 

I'm collecting the first four issues on volume 1  and issues 5 thru 8 on volume 2. This is it, this is the whole story in two gorgeous books with over 100 colored pages each!

There won't be a "collected edition" with both volumes in the future so I  ask you all to give it some thought and perhaps up your pledge to get both books in print along with multiple collectibles unlocked through Stretch Goals.



Please give it some thought to go all in for the HARDCOVER variant edition. I said it already and I will say it again: these will be published as print-on-demand and the hardcover exclusive edition WILL NOT be available again. 

As soon as BackerKit rolls around and I get a final count for the hardcover variant edition then this is it. No more chances to get The Lost Kids in its' best format possible. Backers from the first Kickstarter were more than impressed with the hardcover Volume 1 - it turned out mind-blowing!


If you are more than happy with your current tier so am I and I appreciate it, trust me, I do, there are still ways to help that doesn't involve upgrading.

Here's a sample tweet or facebook post you can copy and paste in your social networks along with the image above or the one below:

"Last 30hrs to help this awesome fantasy comic book, The Lost Kids, reach $40K and unlock all their Stretch Goals! Click the link to learn more:"


Don't feel like posting about The Lost Kids? No problem!

You can always tag a friend on Facebook easy peasy. Just visit the link below and leave a comment tagging a buddy you know enjoys comic books, fantasy or steampunk.

This is our official Facebook ad post and the more "likes" and comments we get the more people we reach.

And yes, if you don't use Facebook you can also find our official tweet on Twitter and tag your friends over there as well or Retweet it. Here's the Twitter link:

I cannot wait to see how far we can get in these last 30 hours and I know that together the sky is the limit. Once again thanks so much for all your pledges and support!

Let's finish this strong :D
